Getting you to your next level, both physically and mentally 


Client Results




Ben Jones

Since working with Nathan my life has had a complete overhaul. I never would’ve thought that by using the tools he provides would enable me to reach the heights that I have in such a short space of time (7 Months) both in and outside of the gym.

By working with Nathan closely and following everything he has laid out for me, I am now in the best shape of my life. I’m closer than ever with my partner, my mental health is unimaginably better and with the structure & routine Nathan has provided for me I recently decided to start my own business which i never would have dreamed of doing this time last year.

Working with Nathan has given me the confidence to tackle anything that I come across and more importantly encourages me to take on new challenges.

Very excited to see what the future holds. Best decision of my life.

Abi Courage

I joined Team Dominate as someone who had always assumed they had ‘good knowledge’ of fitness and health and just wanted some extra guidance and more structured training. I didn’t have a particular goal in mind in terms of end result, and I certainly wasn’t that bothered about stepping on stage… How wrong was I? 

This has been a shift in lifestyle, not just training well and eating mindfully. It’s added routine and structure and put my focus, values and energy into something far better than the 3-4 days a week of drinking and not sleeping enough. 

This isn’t just the result of a 10-12 week cut either, there was the 7 months before that, which consisted of learning A LOT and coming out of comfort zones. Becoming confident with eating more than what I would ‘normally’ and realising the amount of shit that we consider ‘normal’, and training to failure to gain not only weight but muscle mass and the foundations to get to the point I am now. 

Then finally pushing myself to the other extreme of a calorie deficit to see the results of my building phase and ending this with an insane photoshoot with an amazing group. And truthfully, it was difficult, soul destroying at times and sacrifices were made. But I also fucking loved it and could not have done it without Nathan’s guidance and support.

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable and let’s dominate together.

Edith Varley

I had the privilege of joining Nathan’s team at the start of my degree. It kept me accountable in a time of complete chaos and that stability enabled me to succeed in so many other areas of my life. The training, discipline, and routine I’ve learnt from Nathan is something I will take with me forever.  

The passion Nathan puts into his coaching is infectious. I can see how much he cares about getting the best out of me. When I joined Nathan, I was restricting my food, over training, and wondering why I wasn’t seeing the results I craved. 

One of the main things I’ve learnt from being with Nathan is that however annoying he is, if you listen to him, follow what he says, and put your trust in him, you will end up loving the way you look and feeling more confident and stronger than ever. 

Unequivocally grateful N dog. Thank you for believing in me from the beginning and taking me on another amazing photoshoot journey.

Phoebe Francis

I started training with Nathan 3 years ago when I was at Sheffield Hallam gym and he was always great at pushing me to my max and helping me correct my form so I knew when I wanted some more support with my training and nutrition to go to him for help! 
He has coached and supported me with a great training program and how to balance my calories the last 3 months and I have learnt so much from it. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever felt better about how my body looks and feels and my gym sessions feel much better quality and more purposeful now. Couldn’t recommend him enough! 


I reached out to Nathan in May 2021 having considered it a few months earlier. At that time I wasn’t in a great place mentally following lockdowns and moving back to my parents house. I needed something to focus on and wanted to feel good about myself and ultimately lead a healthier, happier lifestyle.

I’ve always been physically active having been involved in competitive sport my whole life so it didn’t take much for me to get into the training routine. I haven’t however ever considered looking more holistically at my approach to training. This is what Nathan has done for me.

Nathan has given me the education and tools to realise how important sleep, stress, menstrual cycle and nutrition is not only on my physical health but on my mental health too.

Nathan has pushed me out of my comfort zone so that I can achieve a body that I can be proud of. He has done that with a personalised approach, monitoring all the little things on a weekly basis and realising when things like work get too much, it’s important to focus on that so that training can be optimised and your goals can be achieved.

What I love about Nathan is that he also looks at your menstrual cycle and how that affects you. A lot of generic coaches out there won’t even consider this and I think this is what makes Nathan one of the best. It’s so important to learn how much your hormones can affect you and when more rest or food or less training is key for that specific week.

It isn’t easy, it’s not a quick fix and you do have to make some sacrifices (although Nathan will encourage the occasional social event!) but with the right coach, good communication and dedication you can achieve what you want.

I never thought I would be confident in how I look, I never thought I would be able to walk around a gym in a crop top let alone walking around in a bikini on holiday and actually feel confident. Now I do. Thank you Nathan, here’s to the next goals and achievements.

Danni Robinson

Deciding to be coached by Nathan was one of the best decisions I have made in terms of helping my physical progress in bodybuilding and mindset in life. 

Nathan is fantastic to work with, you are an individual to him therefore he works with you to create plans that suit you and your best interests. 

His support and care is unquestionable and programming skills also speak volumes. I love being part of TeamDomin8 and want to make Nathan proud

  ✨ Thank you always for all the help and support, let’s Domin8 together ✨

Shan Foley

I joined the team to get in shape about a year ago. 

Never did I ever imagine myself stepping in front of a camera with other wonderful members of Nathan’s team. 

Not only is this a huge achievement in itself as I have a very low self image, but I was the leanest I’ve ever been and the best I’ve ever felt. 

To lots of people a 11/12 week cut doesn’t sound like much, but it was pure hard work, pure dedication and picking myself up when I wanted to quit. It taught me that I can be committed and that I am resilient, especially with the right support. 

Thanks coach 🤙🏽🦍

Danielle Stewart

I have trained with Nathan for nearly 3 years and during this time he helped me immensely, both in and out of the gym.  He is super knowledgeable and has taught me so much about training and nutrition, which will stay with me for life. His programmes are fantastic and he’s always on hand to explain anything you need. His attention to detail not only applies to form and getting the most out of exercises, but looks at  how factors such as sleep can impact your progress. He is accommodating and flexible, adapting plans to fit your lifestyle, setting realistic goals all without feeling  too restricted.
With Nathan’s help I was able to eat more, lift heavier and get into the best shape of my life, and I am so grateful. For anyone considering working with him, Go for it.. you won’t look back 

Carrie Hancox

8 weeks ago I was going through the most stressful time at work (as an NHS frontline nurse), we were deep into CV19. The weird, scared, sad and nervous feeling followed me around. Sleep was broken up with night terrors involving not being able to care for all my patients. Going into work the terrors became a reality. I was stress eating and drinking, I had forgotten to care for myself and was just coping day to day. Nathan contacted me about taking part in his 8-week fat loss challenge and it couldn’t have come at a better time. I didn’t realise how much I needed the structure and external focus that the plan brought.
Nathan is truly the best. He won’t take any BS but is fair, scientific and evidence-based. He took a holistic approach, setting challenges such as reading more, walking more and drinking more water in addition to the usual fitness and nutritional support.
What you can’t see from the pictures is the change that has occurred inside. The structure, support and focus has made me feel so much more positive. As the world is healing from the virus, personally I feel I’m healing and I’m stronger within myself. Thank you so much Nathan.

Arron Green

I have been working with Nathan for the past 16 weeks, an experience that has quite honestly been life-changing. I started the year overweight with no real passion or drive for anything, which reflected in both my work and personal life.

Following a recommendation from a friend I decided to contact Nathan and it has been the best investment I have made in myself for a long time.

4 months on and nearly 3 stone in weight loss, I am as physically and mentally fit as I have been in years.

Nathan has given me the push I need to achieve my goals, which without him seemed a million miles away. Throughout the time working together he has been supportive and encouraging but when it comes to achieving results there is no-nonsense.

I love food and drink but had no real appreciation of the effects it was having on my body. Nathan showed me what I could achieve with hard work and a healthy balanced diet.

There are no fads or magic pills but what Nathan does provide is a complete lifestyle change. I have an understanding, appreciation and relationship with food now that I can maintain long term.

I can’t thank Nathan enough, he is dedicated and always at the end of the phone for advice, mixed with a bit of humour. For anyone thinking about making contact, DON’T HESITATE. You won’t regret it.

Rachel Hughes

I first met Nathan 18 months ago at the University gym where he worked. After not really progressing for a few months, followed by the lockdown weight gain, I joined an 8 week weight loss challenge that he was running. After losing 13lbs, I was eager to continue lose fat and build muscle, for more personal reasons. Nathan has passed on his knowledge and is there to help at the drop of a text. Not only have I begun to enjoy going to the gym, I have gained a better, more healthy relationship with food and feel so much more confident in myself. I couldn’t have done it without him! I’m looking forward to seeing what the future holds.

Molly Cousins

After years of restriction, binge eating/drinking and not making any progress in the gym, Nathan reached out to me to become a part of his lockdown turnaround challenge. And I’m not gonna lie.. I didn’t take it seriously at all. I tried at times but I had no energy to perform well because I was still eating rubbish and drinking alcohol most days!! I wasn’t strict enough with myself and I didn’t make any progress.
I think it was this that made me realise I needed the structure and routine that Nathan could provide. For me, it was being accountable every day that helped transform my lifestyle completely.
I loved that Nathan was always on the other side of the phone whenever I needed him, for advice or guidance. We got to know each other on a personal level, which I know is the same for all his clients, and he established a firm but fair approach with me. He also never got mad no matter how frustrating I could be ha! He even helped me form a healthy vegan diet – a lifestyle he’s not a fan of 😉 but just goes to show how understanding and helpful he is.
Nathan will always preach about accountability and not restricting, following the mindset that most things are good in moderation and I couldn’t agree more!! He’s not only helped me to make a fabulous body transformation, but he’s also helped me change my mindset and lifestyle completely and I couldn’t be happier! Thanks Nath xox

Adam Langford

I approached Nathan around a year ago as I needed some structure to my training. I follow JP, Kuba and AJ so I wanted to work with someone with similar drive, ethics and mindset. Within a few weeks we had completely overhauled my daily routine and increased my calories to numbers I thought would make me explode!
I have obtained so much knowledge since working with Nathan. My approach to training and diet has totally changed and I am in a shape I never thought possible, as well as becoming far more confident in the gym and within myself.

Emily Sherratt

I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Nathan during my fitness journey, not only is he very knowledgeable, focused and motivational, but very supportive and responsive. Which is exactly what you want when you put your trust into someone helping you with your fitness goals. We first met in the gym when he questioned my excessive cardio sessions since then Nathan trained me and I took part in his fat loss programme. Despite winning the challenge, I have gained so much knowledge in fitness and nutrition, helping me to continue with my goals. I have improved physically and mentally during the programme, especially helping my confidence all thanks to a great coach! I am excited to continue my journey with Nathan and push myself to my limits!

Let’s reach your next level!